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These instructions will take you through the steps of creating a game that uses the 1976 game Breakout as its inspiration.

You will control a paddle along the bottom of the screen to bounce balls at the grid of blocks across the top of the screen. Each time you clear all of the blocks, you will be given another life and advance a level to do it all again.

The ball passes through some blocks and bounces on others. When destroyed, Some blocks drop a bonus that will be either more lives, a bigger paddle or slow the ball down.

How many levels can you complete?

screen shot

Learning points

These instructions will take you through the process of creating a game which does not use Actors for sprites. Instead, the game is implemented using drawing primitives such as rectangles, circles and individual pixels. Python Classes are used to implement the game objects with these primitives, showing the code reuse that inheritance offers.

These instructions are suitable for you if you are comfortable with basic Python coding.

Step 0: Create the project in Replit

Navigate to Replit and login.

Create a new project using the Pygame template and give it the title "Smash" as illustrated by the screenshot below.

screen shot

In the file, replace the code provided with the code below and run the program to make sure it can download the packages and runs. You should be presented with a greenish black screen. You can change the colour of the background by modifying the value of the BACKGROUND_COLOUR variable. Colours are specified with 3 values that represent the red, green and blue components of the colour. Each component value can be between 0 and 255.

The screen area of the game can be adjusted by changing the values of the WIDTH and HEIGHT variables. After clearing the screen, the draw() function loops over the list draw_funcs. In later steps we will be adding functions to this list to draw the elements on the screen. The advantage of this technique is that the draw() function will not need to modified in those later steps. We do a similar technique for the update() function.

Experiment to find the colours and screen size that you like the most.

import random
from copy import copy
from random import randint

import pgzrun
from pgzero.clock import Clock
from pgzero.keyboard import Keyboard
from pgzero.rect import Rect
from pgzero.screen import Screen

WIDTH = 600
HEIGHT = 640

screen: Screen
keyboard: Keyboard
clock: Clock


draw_funcs = []

def draw():
    for draw_func in draw_funcs:

update_funcs = []

def update(dt):
    for update_func in update_funcs:


Step 1: Setup score, level, border and lives

The completed code for this step is available here.

Now we are going to draw the score, level, border and lives on the screen. We will create functions to draw each of the separate elements. Each section of code can be added and tested individually. Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go(). Run your game after you have added each section and you should see each section as it gets added.

Add the score


SCORE_COLOUR = (0, 255, 0)

score = 0

def draw_score(draw):
              center=(WIDTH / 2, HEADER_HEIGHT / 2),


Add the level

LEVEL_COLOUR = (0, 255, 0)

level = 1

def draw_level(draw):
    draw.text(f"Level: {level}",
              right=(WIDTH - MARGIN_WIDTH),
              centery=HEADER_HEIGHT / 2,


Add the border

BORDER_COLOUR = (200, 0, 0)

def draw_border(draw):
    left = MARGIN_WIDTH
    width = WIDTH - (2 * MARGIN_WIDTH)
    draw.filled_rect(Rect(left, top, width, height), BORDER_COLOUR)

    left += BORDER_WIDTH
    top += BORDER_WIDTH
    width -= (2 * BORDER_WIDTH)
    draw.filled_rect(Rect(left, top, width, height), BACKGROUND_COLOUR)


Add the lives

LIVES_COLOUR = (200, 200, 0)



def draw_lives(draw):
    for i in range(lives):
        x = MARGIN_WIDTH + LIVES_RADIUS + (i * (
            (2 * LIVES_RADIUS) + LIVES_SPACING))
        y = HEADER_HEIGHT / 2
        draw.filled_circle((x, y), LIVES_RADIUS, LIVES_COLOUR)


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

screen shot

Experiment: Changing the look of the game

The look of the game is controlled by the 10 variables that are in UPPERCASE at the start of the code you have just added. The names of the variables should be reasonably self explanatory. Experiment with different values for some of the variables and see how it changes the screen. Inspect the code to work out how the code achieves the effects.

Some good values to experiment with:

  • HEADER_HEIGHT: 20, 40, 100, 200
  • FOOTER_HEIGHT: 10, 20, 40, 100
  • MARGIN_WIDTH: 10, 20, 40, 100
  • BORDER_WIDTH: 1, 3, 6, 20, 40
  • LIVES_RADIUS: 1, 3, 8, 12, 20, 50
  • LIVES_SPACING: -3, 0, 5, 10, 20

Experiment with changing the colours to find some you like. As with the background, colours are specified with 3 values that represent the red, green and blue components of the colour. Each component value can be between 0 and 255.

Step 2: Paddle and movement

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step, the paddle which can be moved across the bottom of the screen using the left and right arrow keys will be added. A Class called Paddle will be created to control how the paddle is draw and controlled. The following methods of the Paddle Class are worthy of a little more explanation.

  • bounding_box() - This returns a Rect instance that represents the space occupied by the paddle. This is used later for collision detection.
  • draw() - This draws the paddle on the supplied SurfacePainter object.
  • update() - This is called to update the position of the paddle. As well as moving the paddle in response to keypresses, it keeps the paddle in bounds.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

PADDLE_COLOUR = (200, 0, 0)

class Paddle:
    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.position = pos
        self.width = PADDLE_WIDTH
        self.height = PADDLE_HEIGHT
        self.colour = PADDLE_COLOUR

        # This is the speed the paddle can go left and right in pixels per second
        self.vx = PADDLE_SPEED

        # These are the bounds that the paddles box must stay within
        self.min_x = MARGIN_WIDTH + (PADDLE_WIDTH / 2)
        self.max_x = WIDTH - MARGIN_WIDTH - (PADDLE_WIDTH / 2)

    def bounding_box(self):
        half_width = int(self.width / 2)
        return Rect((self.x - half_width, self.y), (self.width, self.height))

    def position(self):
        return self.x, self.y

    def position(self, pos):
        self.x = pos[0]
        self.y = pos[1]

    def draw(self, draw):
        draw.filled_rect(self.bounding_box, self.colour)

    def update(self, dt):
        if keyboard.left:
            self.x -= self.vx * dt
        if keyboard.right:
            self.x += self.vx * dt

        # Now keep it in bounds
        if self.x < self.min_x:
            self.x = self.min_x
        elif self.x > self.max_x:
            self.x = self.max_x

paddle = Paddle((WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT))

If you run your game now, the paddle will not be displayed and will not respond to keypresses. This is because the paddle has not yet been hooked into the main game loops to call the paddles update() and draw() methods. Add the following update() function.


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below. Pressing the left and right keys will move the paddle left and right.

screen shot

Experiment: Changing the look and speed of the paddle

Just as the earlier sections allow the look and feel of the game to be changed by modifying values of the UPPERCASE variables, the paddle can be changed too. Experiment with different values for the following variables:

  • PADDLE_COLOUR: This will be a (red, green, blue) triplet.
  • PADDLE_WIDTH: 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 500
  • PADDLE_HEIGHT: 1, 3, 6, 10, 20, 50
  • PADDLE_SPEED: 0, 100, 200, 400, 1000

Step 3: Adding the ball

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step, the ball will be added. Once served, the ball will move itself as well as keep itself within the screen bounds. A Class called Ball will be created to control how the ball behaves. Just like the Paddle Class, Ball will have bounding_box(), draw() and update() methods. Ball also has methods to detect for collisions with itself and for bouncing.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

BALL_COLOUR = (200, 200, 0)

class Ball:

    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.position = pos
        self.vx = 0
        self.vy = 0
        self.radius = BALL_RADIUS
        self.colour = BALL_COLOUR
        self.max_y = HEIGHT

    def bounding_box(self):
        # Returns the bounding box of the ball
        x = self.x - self.radius
        y = self.y - self.radius
        width = 2 * self.radius
        height = 2 * self.radius
        return Rect(x, y, width, height)

    def position(self):
        return self.x, self.y

    def position(self, pos):
        self.x = pos[0]
        self.y = pos[1]

    def draw(self, draw):
        draw.filled_circle(self.position, self.radius, self.colour)

    def update(self, dt):
        # Move the ball and keep it in bounds.
        self.x += (self.vx * dt)
        self.y += (self.vy * dt)

        if self.x < self.min_x:
            self.x = self.min_x
            self.vx *= -1
        elif self.x > self.max_x:
            self.x = self.max_x
            self.vx *= -1

        if self.y < self.min_y:
            self.y = self.min_y
            self.vy *= -1
        elif self.y > self.max_y:
            self.y = self.max_y
            self.vy *= -1

    def stop(self):
        self.vx = 0
        self.vy = 0

    def serve(self):

    def bounce(self):
        self.hit(self.vy * -1)

    def hit(self, vertical_speed):
        self.vy = vertical_speed
        spin = random.randint(BALL_SPIN_X_MIN, BALL_SPIN_X_MAX)
        if keyboard.left:
            self.vx -= spin
            self.vx += spin

    def collide(self, rect) -> bool:
        return self.bounding_box.colliderect(rect)

ball = Ball(paddle.position)


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

Does the ball move when you move the paddle? Why do you think this might be?

screen shot

Experiment: Changing the look and speed of the ball

Just as the earlier sections allow the look and feel of the game to be changed by modifying values of the UPPERCASE variables, the ball can be changed too. Experiment with different values for the following variables:

  • BALL_RADIUS: 1, 3, 6, 10, 20, 50
  • BALL_COLOUR: This will be a (red, green, blue) triplet.

Step 4: Serving the ball

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step, we will add the code to serve the ball. This will also include the code which keeps the ball with the paddle before serving.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

playing = False
serving = True
game_over = False

def start_game(dt):
    global score, level, lives, playing, serving, game_over

    if not playing and
        score = 0
        level = 1
        lives = STARTING_LIVES
        playing = True
        serving = True
        game_over = False

def serve_ball(dt):
    global serving, ball

    if serving:
        # If we are serving, keep the ball with the paddle.
        ball.position = paddle.position

        # If space is pressed, serve the ball
            serving = False


Run your game and move the paddle. The ball should move with it. The final step is to add the serving draw() code as follows.

def draw_serving(draw):
    if serving:
        draw.text(f"Level {level}",
                  center=(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2),
        draw.text("Press space to serve",
                  center=(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT * 3 / 4),


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

Does the ball stay with the paddle when you move it left and right?

What happens when you press space to serve the ball?

You will get an error that starts: Traceback (most recent call last):

And finishes: NameError: name 'setup_blocks' is not defined

This is because there are currently no blocks setup in the game. This is what we will do in the next step.

screen shot

Experiment: Changing the look of the level and serving text

The draw() function is where the text is drawn on the screen. The text is drawn in the same colour as the score. Experiment with changing the colour and size of the two pieces of text to find something you like.

You can also experiment with changing the position of the text.

Step 5: Adding blocks

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step we will place the blocks on the screen. As we have done with both the paddle and ball we will create a new Class called 'Block' to represent an individual block. With the Paddle and Ball classes, there was only ever a single instance of each in the game. With Block it will be different as there will be many instances of block. The Block class is a small simple class that just displays itself in a static position. One unique property of a block is that it has a one in five change chance of the Bounce() function returning true. We will make use of this in a later step.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

class Block:

    def __init__(self, rect, colour, value):
        self.rect = rect
        self.colour = colour
        self.value = value

    def bounding_box(self):
        return self.rect

    def bounce(self):
        return randint(0, 4) == 0

    def draw(self, draw):
        draw.filled_rect(self.bounding_box, self.colour)

Because we will always create the blocks in the same positions, we can calculate those positions once at the start of the game and then reuse them. These positions will be stored in the list variable block_rects and calculated in the function setup_block_rects(). The blocks themselves will be stored in a list variable called blocks and those blocks will be created in the function setup_blocks() which will use the values we calculated in block_rects.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

    (34, 67, 83),
    (34, 67, 83),
    (64, 67, 83),
    (94, 67, 83),
    (124, 67, 83),
    (154, 67, 83),
    (184, 67, 83),
    (214, 67, 83),
    (244, 67, 83),
    (244, 67, 83),

block_rects = []

def setup_block_rects():
    global block_rects

    for x in range(BLOCK_COLUMNS):
        for y in range(len(BLOCK_COLOURS)):
            left = BLOCK_AREA_LEFT + (BLOCK_AND_GAP_WIDTH * x)
            top = BLOCK_AREA_TOP + (BLOCK_AND_GAP_HEIGHT * y)
            rect = Rect(left, top, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT)

blocks = []

def setup_blocks():
    global blocks
    blocks = []

    for x in range(len(block_rects)):
        for y in range(len(block_rects[x])):
            rect = block_rects[x][y]
            colour = BLOCK_COLOURS[y]
            blocks.append(Block(rect, colour, 10 - y))


def draw_blocks(draw):
    for block in blocks:


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

Serve the ball, what happens when the ball hits a block? Why do you think this might be?

What happens if the ball misses the paddle? Why do you think that might be?

screen shot

Experiment: Changing the number and look of the blocks

Just as the earlier sections allow the look and feel of the game to be changed by modifying values of the UPPERCASE variables, the number and size of the blocks can be changed too. Experiment with different values for the following variables:

  • BLOCK_GAP: 0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 20
  • BLOCK_COLUMNS: 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 100
  • BLOCK_HEIGHT: 1, 2, 5, 10, 14, 30
  • BLOCK_COLOURS: : This are all (red, green, blue) triplets.

Also, now the ball moves, experiment with changing the following variables:

  • BALL_SPEED_Y: 100, 300, 1000, 3000
  • BALL_SPIN_X_MIN: 0, 50, 100, 200
  • BALL_SPIN_X_MAX: 100, 200, 500, 1000

Step 6: Destroying the blocks

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step, we will get the ball to destroy the blocks. We will write a new function called check_for_collisions() that will do the checking for us as well as updating the players score. Inside this new function a list called blocks_to_destroy is created. That list is created using a very powerful Python technique called a list comprehension. Python list comprehensions are efficient ways to create new lists. The list comprehension in check_for_collisions() creates a new list containing the blocks whose bounding_box collides with the balls bounding_box. For a further explanation of list comprehensions see here.

To add a little twist to the game, we don't want the ball to just fly through all of the blocks some blocks until it hits the back wall. We therefore bounce the ball if the block indicates it should bounce.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

def check_for_collisions(dt):
    global score, blocks

    if ball.vy > 0 and ball.collide(paddle.bounding_box):

    blocks_to_destroy = [block for block in blocks if ball.collide(block.bounding_box)]
    if blocks_to_destroy:
        for block in blocks_to_destroy:
            score += block.value
            if block.bounce:


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

screen shot

Step 7: Dropping the ball

The completed code for this step is available here.

In the previous step, the ball happily bounces around the screen for ever. The behaviour we want is for the ball the bounce along the bottom only if it makes contact with the paddle. If the ball does not make contact with the paddle, it should be considered dropped and the player loses a life.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

def check_for_dropping_the_ball(dt):
    global lives, playing, serving, game_over

    if ball.y > (paddle.y + paddle.height + ball.radius):
        serving = True
        lives -= 1
        if lives <= 0:
            game_over = True
            playing = False


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

What happens when you lose all of your lives?

To make it easier to clear the blocks, change the number of columns to 2 and comment out some of the colours in the BLOCK_COLOURS variable. What happens when you clear all of the blocks? Why do you think that is?

screen shot

Step 8: Levels and lives

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step, we will be checking for when the player has cleared all of the blocks and so a new level needs to be started. We will award the player an extra life for each level they clear. We will also add in a "GAME OVER" message.

Place the following new function before the call to pgzrun.go().

def check_for_new_level(dt):
    global level, lives, playing, serving, blocks

    if playing and len(blocks) == 0:
        level += 1
        lives += 1
        serving = True


Finally, add the code to draw the "GAME OVER" text.

def draw_game_over(draw):
    if game_over:
        draw.text("GAME OVER",
                  center=(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT * 5 / 8),


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

screen shot

Experiment: Changing the look and position of the GAME OVER text

Experiment with the position, colour and size of the GAME OVER text to find something you like the look of.

Step 9: Add particle effects

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step, we will be adding some particle effects when the blocks gets destroyed. Each particle effect will only last for a few seconds and is designed to add visual interest to the game. all the particle effects will have gravity applied to them which will make them tend towards the bottom of the screen over time. Two particle effects will be added:

  • ParticleScore: This will be a single particle containing the score value of the block destroyed. It will slowly fall towards the ground.
  • ParticleExplosion: This will generate a preset number of dots in the colour of the block that are spread in random directions from the centre of the block before slowly falling towards the ground.

As well as the usual update() and draw() methods, all particle effects need an alive property which will return True is the particle effect is still running or False is the particle effect has completed. This property will be used by the game engine to remove completed particle effects.

Score particle effect

The first particle effect we will add is ParticleScore. We will also add the GRAVITY and particles variables. The GRAVITY variable represent the gravity which applies to the particles (in pixels per second). The particles list variable holds all particles effects currently operating. The ParticleScore Class will draw just a single number. The direction that the effect will take is chosen randomly (from a defined range) when an instance of ParticleScore if created.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().


particles = []


class ParticleScore:

    def __init__(self, pos, lifetime, value):
        self.position = pos
        self.left = lifetime
        self.value = value

    def position(self):
        return self.x, self.y

    def position(self, pos):
        self.x = pos[0]
        self.y = pos[1]

    def alive(self):
        return self.left > 0

    def draw(self, draw):

    def update(self, dt):
        self.left -= dt
        self.vy += (GRAVITY * dt)
        self.x += self.vx * dt
        self.y += self.vy * dt

Explosion particle effect

The second particle effect that is to be added is PartcleExplosion. Whereas ParticleScore displayed a single number, ParticleExplosion will display lots of pixels (configured by the PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_PARTICLES variable). ParticleExplosion is a little more complicated than ParticleScore due to having multiple pixels; though you have seen all coding techniques used here in previous steps. Of particular note is the use of a list comprehension in the update() method. For a further explanation of list comprehensions see here.

Place the following code below ParticleScore.


class ParticleExplosion:

    def __init__(self, pos, lifetime, colour):
        self.left = lifetime
        self.colour = colour
        self.particles = [(pos[0], pos[1],
                          for _ in range(PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_PARTICLES)]

    def alive(self):
        return self.left > 0

    def draw(self, draw):
        for particle in self.particles:
            draw.filled_circle((particle[0], particle[1]), 1, self.colour)

    def update(self, dt):
        self.left -= dt

        self.particles = [(particle[0] + (particle[2] * dt),
                           particle[1] + (particle[3] * dt), particle[2],
                           particle[3] + (GRAVITY * dt))
                          for particle in self.particles]

Hooking the particle effects in

For the particle effects to be added to the game engine, a small change needs to be made to the check_for_collisions() method to add the effects when a block is destroyed. The two lines of code that need to be added are given below. The values 2 and 4 represent the lifetime (think duration) that each partcile effect will last for.

particles.append(ParticleScore(, 2, block.value))
particles.append(ParticleExplosion(, 4, block.colour))

Add those two lines of code to the check_for_collisions() function. The function check_for_collisions() should now look like this:

def check_for_collisions(dt):
    global score, blocks

    blocks_to_destroy = [
        block for block in blocks if ball.collide(block.bounding_box)
    if blocks_to_destroy:
        for block in blocks_to_destroy:
            score += block.value
            if block.bounce:

            particles.append(ParticleScore(, 2, block.value))
            particles.append(ParticleExplosion(, 4, block.colour))                

All that remains now is to update and draw the particles. Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

def update_particles(dt):
    global particles
    for particle in particles:

    particles = [particle for particle in particles if particle.alive]


def draw_particles(draw):
    for particle in particles:


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

screen shot

Experiment: Changing the particles

Experiment with changing the lifetimes of the particles. Unlike previous settings, the lifetimes are not set through UPPERCASE variables. The lifetimes of the particles are set in the check_for_collisions() function. See if you can find the values. Try values from 1 through to 10 to see what effect it has.

There are other aspects of the PARTICLES that can be changed by modifying values of UPPERCASE variables. The GRAVITY variable affects both particle effects but the other variables affect only one of them. Experiment with different values for the following variables:

  • GRAVITY: 0, 10, 30, 60, 100, 200

  • PARTICLE_SCORE_MIN_VX: -200, -100, -60, 0, 60

  • PARTICLE_SCORE_MAX_VX: -30, 0, 30, 60, 100, 200, 1000
  • PARTICLE_SCORE_MIN_VY: -200, -100, -60, -30, 0, 60
  • PARTICLE_SCORE_MAX_VY: -30, 0, 30, 60, 100, 200, 1000

  • PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_MIN_VX: -200, -90, -60, 0, 60

  • PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_MAX_VX: -30, 0, 30, 60, 90, 200, 1000
  • PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_MIN_VY: -200, -90, -60, -30, 0, 60
  • PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_MAX_VY: -30, 0, 30, 60, 90, 200, 1000
  • PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_PARTICLES: 1, 5, 30, 100, 1000

Extension: Add your own particle effects

Try adding your own particle effect. Using the ParticleScore as your template, design a particle effect that writes a randomly selected word from a list. The following code snippet is one way to randomly select a word from a list:

word = random.choice(["boom", "bang", "crash", "wallop"])

Step 10: Dropping bonuses

The completed code for this step is available here.

In this step, we will be adding bonuses that randomly get dropped when a block is destroyed. The steps to add bonuses to the game are very similar to those that were used to add particles. The primary difference between bonuses and particles is the bonuses float to the bottom of the screen where they can be collected by the paddle. If the bonuses are dropped then they are lost. There particle effects will be added:

  • BonusLives: If collected, the player will be awarded between 1 and 3 extra lives
  • BonusPaddle: If collected, the paddle will double in size for a short period.
  • BonusSpeed: If collected, the vertical speed of the ball will be reduced for a short period.

As well as the usual update() and draw() methods, all bonuses need an alive property which will return True is the bonus has not been caught and is still on the screen or False otherwise. This property will be used by the game engine to remove caught or dropped bonuses.

In addition, each bonus needs a catch() method which is called when the paddle makes contact with the bonus. The catch() method allows the bonus to perform the appropriate action such as give the player more lives, make the paddle bigger or slow the ball down.

Extra lives bonus

The first bonus effect is BonusLives. When created it will randomly choose how many lives to award the player if caught.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().

BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)


bonuses = []

class BonusLives:

    def __init__(self, rect):
        self.rect = copy(rect)
        self.caught = False
        self.lives = randint(1, 3)

    def bounding_box(self):
        return self.rect

    def alive(self):
        return not self.caught and self.rect.y < HEIGHT

    def draw(self, draw):
        draw.filled_rect(self.bounding_box, WHITE)
        draw.text(f"lives x{self.lives}",

    def update(self, dt):
        self.rect.y += GRAVITY * 4 * dt

    def catch(self):
        global lives
        lives += self.lives
        self.caught = True

Larger paddle bonus

The second bonus effect is BonusPaddle. This will make the paddle twice as wide as usual for a short period of time. The duration the paddle is bigger is randomly selected between 5 and 10 seconds in the catch() method.

Place the following code below BonusLives.

def reset_paddle():
    paddle.width = PADDLE_WIDTH

class BonusPaddle:

    def __init__(self, rect):
        self.rect = copy(rect)
        self.caught = False

    def bounding_box(self):
        return self.rect

    def alive(self):
        return not self.caught and self.rect.y < HEIGHT

    def draw(self, draw):
        draw.filled_rect(self.bounding_box, WHITE)

    def update(self, dt):
        self.rect.y += GRAVITY * 4 * dt

    def catch(self):
        paddle.width = PADDLE_WIDTH * 2
        clock.schedule_unique(reset_paddle, randint(5, 10))
        self.caught = True

Slower ball bonus

The third bonus effect is BonusSpeed. This will make the balls vertical speed slower for a short period of time. The duration the ball is slowwer is randomly selected between 10 and 20 seconds in the catch() method.

Place the following code below BonusPaddle.

def reset_ball():
    if ball.vy > 0:
        ball.vy = BALL_SPEED_Y
        ball.vy = -BALL_SPEED_Y

class BonusSpeed:

    def __init__(self, rect):
        self.rect = copy(rect)
        self.caught = False

    def bounding_box(self):
        return self.rect

    def alive(self):
        return not self.caught and self.rect.y < HEIGHT

    def draw(self, draw):
        draw.filled_rect(self.bounding_box, WHITE)

    def update(self, dt):
        self.rect.y += GRAVITY * 4 * dt

    def catch(self):
        if ball.vy > 0:
            ball.vy = BALL_SPEED_Y / 4
            ball.vy = -BALL_SPEED_Y / 4

        clock.schedule_unique(reset_ball, randint(10, 20))
        self.caught = True

Connecting it all up

Update the check_for_collisions() function by adding code to the end of it that both checks for collisions with the bonuses and decides if a new bonus should be dropped or not. Only one bonus is allowed to drop at any time and there is a 1 in 10 change of a bonus being granted. Your check_for_collisions() function should now look like the following.

def check_for_collisions(dt):
    global score, blocks

    blocks_to_destroy = [block for block in blocks if ball.collide(block.bounding_box)]
    if blocks_to_destroy:
        for block in blocks_to_destroy:
            score += block.value
            if block.bounce:

    global bonuses

    for bonus in bonuses:
        if bonus.alive and bonus.bounding_box.colliderect(paddle.bounding_box):

    if len(blocks_to_destroy) > 0 and len(bonuses) == 0 and randint(0, 9) == 0:

        bounding_box = copy(blocks_to_destroy[0].bounding_box)

        choice = randint(0, 2)
        if choice == 0:
        elif choice == 1:

All that remains now is to update and draw the bonuses.

def update_bonuses(dt):
    global bonuses

    for bonus in bonuses:

    bonuses = [bonus for bonus in bonuses if bonus.alive]


def draw_bonuses(draw):
    for bonus in bonuses:


Run your game and make sure it works; it should look like the screen shot below.

screen shot

Experiment: Changing how often bonuses are dropped

Increase the number on bonuses that can be dropped at any one time from 1 to 2.

Increase how often bonuses get dropped from 1 in 10 to 1 in 5.

Change the minimum and maximum number of lives that can be awarded by BonusLives. Set the minimum to 3 and maximum to 6.

Change the duration that the BonusPaddle and BonusBall bonuses last.

Step 11: Adding sound effects

The completed code for this step is available here.

Just like it did with Muncher, adding sound effects will bring a new dimension to your game. You can create your own sound effects or use some free online resources. We will be using the same set of sound effects as used for Muncher. All of the sound effects came from MixKit. Other sites are available such as pixabay.

Create a sounds folder in your project to place your sound files. You will need 5 sounds:

Playing a sound is super easy using the sounds object. To play the lose_life.wav sound, just use this code: The other sounds are played in exactly the same way. Each of the six sounds will be added to the four functions that perform the relevant actions or checks. Those four functions are:

  • serve_ball()
  • check_for_collisions() - this has three sounds.
  • check_for_dropping_the_ball()
  • check_for_new_level()

Each of those functions is provided below with the sounds added. Modify your functions to look the same by adding in the sounds:

```python def serve_ball(dt): global serving, ball

if serving:
    # If we are serving, keep the ball with the paddle.
    ball.position = paddle.position

    # If space is pressed, serve the ball
        serving = False


def check_for_collisions(dt):
    global score, blocks

    if ball.vy > 0 and ball.collide(paddle.bounding_box):

    blocks_to_destroy = [
        block for block in blocks if ball.collide(block.bounding_box)
    if blocks_to_destroy:
        for block in blocks_to_destroy:
            score += block.value
            if block.bounce:

            particles.append(ParticleScore(, 2, block.value))
                ParticleExplosion(, 4, block.colour))

    global bonuses

    for bonus in bonuses:
        if bonus.alive and bonus.bounding_box.colliderect(paddle.bounding_box):

    if len(blocks_to_destroy) > 0 and len(bonuses) == 0 and randint(0, 9) == 0:
        bounding_box = copy(blocks_to_destroy[0].bounding_box)

        choice = randint(0, 2)
        if choice == 0:
        elif choice == 1:
def check_for_dropping_the_ball(dt):
    global lives, playing, serving, game_over

    if ball.y > (paddle.y + paddle.height + ball.radius):
        serving = True
        lives -= 1
        if lives <= 0:
            game_over = True
            playing = False
def check_for_new_level(dt):
    global level, lives, playing, serving, blocks

    if playing and len(blocks) == 0:
        level += 1
        lives += 1
        serving = True

Run your game and make sure it works.

Extension: Add a special sound when the game is over

There is currently no special sound played when the player loses the game. Create or choose a sound, add it to your sounds directory, then add the code to play the sound when the game is over.

Step 12: Background music

The completed code for this step is available here.

All arcade style games have background music that plays on a loop. After a while of playing the game, the looped music can become very annoying so be careful in your choice of music; you wouldn't want to put the players off now would you?

Thankfully PyGame Zero make playing background music really simple.

Create a music folder in your project to place your background music file. this will need to be in the MP3 format. Either create/select your own music or use the sample I have provided below which came from MixKit.

Place the following code before the call to pgzrun.go().'background_music')

Run your game and make sure it works and is playing the background music.

Appendix A: Finished code

Here is a version of the finished code:

You can see the completed game on Replit.